Thursday, December 15, 2011


It's not the end of the year yet, but I'm waiting for it. I remember telling myself that this was the year of disappointment, because there were so many things that pissed me off so bad, and it ended up being upsetting and disappointing.

For one thing, I couldn't get into my Biology class. The required class I needed for my major, and not that I couldn't get into it once, but twice. Twice! I remember that distinct feeling of disappointment, telling myself that everything will be okay, even though I knew it probably won't.

Another disappointing thing about this year was that I couldn't get into my Halloween job at Haunt. I've worked there for two years; I was pretty much guaranteed a job. But I guess I fucked up somehow. That was probably my favorite job til this day.

Lately, the thing that disappointed me most was my lack of skills. I used to be a pretty decent bboy with some decent moves. Some moves I had were exceptional, like the Jackhammer. Anyway, I don't know how it happened but it did: I got bored of bboying, and I quit. It was like October of last year (2010) when I stopped, and didn't get back until about April of this year (2011.) So roughly about six months. Honesty, I wouldn't of been able to get back if it weren't for the help of 4 Elements Hip-hop Organization, my so-called "club" at De-Anza. Although they didn't physically do much to help me, they motivated me to help myself, as I had to help others.
Thing that bothered me the most, was when I got back into breaking, I pretty much lost all moves. Moves I used to do so easily became the most difficult thing in the world to do. I spent so much time, as in years, trying to learn these moves, and they disappeared, just like that. I just wanted to give up after that.

Another thing this year relating to skill: I played the trombone for eight years, starting from 4th grade, ending senior year in high school. I wasn't the best when I first started out, but I gotta admit, I was pretty damn good in high school. I was first chair in my section sometime. I could hit notes with a clear tone - that's difficult, just so you know. Anyway, after high school, I had no opportunity to practice again. I had no instrument, for about two years. It was then, this year, that one of my friends decided to lend me one of his extra trombones. When I decide to play it after two+ years, I was horrible. As in, really horrible. So bad that I wanted to cry. I had spent eight+ years playing this instrument to perfection, and my talent ruined, just like that.

I will probably add more - A LOT more, but I'm running short in time. Ultimately, I'm taking baby steps in both bboying and playing trombone, and I'm seeing decent progress. I know I can get the skills back. It won't be easy, I know that, but surely not impossible. At least for someone with my mentality. And by "decent progress" I mean I'm happy with that I got, for this amount of time, at least.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


Is when this blog is first created. I needed something to express myself. Funny thing is, I was pretty fed of with blogger, because I had another account linked to my youtube account, all ran my google. I probably have a shitload of blogs, except I never use them. One's from high school, I think I'm using it. Anyway, I was using tumblr, but I'd figure its not merely based on personal blogging, and although everyone's page is theirs, there's always that feeling of trying to fit in. In other words, hype, hip, etc. So much hipsters. Not that it's bad (I have one), and although there is hella dope shit on it, its so much hype, and not focusing on oneself.

Eh, but anyway, I'd like to mention the name of my blog, "All we need is time."
Sounds corny as fuck, yes, I know, but its something that I like to take notice of.
Title is self explanatory, all we need is time.

You see, time is limited, whether you acknowledge it or not, and whether you like to believe it or not. Yeah, there may be a psychological illusion to it: when you're in the process of waiting, you feel the need to speed things up, and when you're enjoying life, time does speed up. My point is, whether life is moving fast or slow, time is always passing, and you can't move back. While life is moving, we need time. Time to do things: time to get better in life; time to know someone; time to explore the world. You see, we don't have all the time in the world to accomplish every single desire in the back of our minds. Some people enjoy the fast life, while some like to take every opportunity to live.

First post on this blog

I hate blogger, whenever its connected to google. Anyway I guess I'll be using this. We'll see how it goes.