Tuesday, December 30, 2014

2014 recap

Because every year, I just have to make one of these. Show me how I've lived my year, and I felt like this was the year of "changes."

In 2014, I've:

-Celebrated the 1st of the year with an epic hotel party hosted by one of my friends, while bringing another friend along, and for privacy purposes, lets just call him Vinh. Parked a mile away while carrying a 32 pack of beer through downtown, partied in the hotel, walked around with a robe downtown, breakdanced on the streets, so on.
-Attended one of my friend's birthday parties at another hotel in February.
-Barely celebrated Chinese new year's due to the lack of time, but that's that.
-Attended a party for the loss of one of my good friends, who died early in the year.
-Attended a four month long firefighter academy for my volunteer fire department. That was hell in itself, and definitely the hardest four months of my life. I honestly felt that the whole process since the very beginning took about half of my year away. The first day of this academy was the day after one of my friend's hotel party, so I felt like super shit that day, you know, lack of sleep and whatnot.
-Made it into my volunteer fire department, attended events, functions, and volunteer services. I will always remember the "Saddle Rack."
-Hiked the Big Basin trail with one of my friends.
-Took a little trip to Jackson Casino.
-Went bowling numerous times, played Left 4 Dead 2 numerous times. Played a lot of new games as well.
-Worked my EMT job this whole year around, and I'm still thankful that I have a job.
-Took the BART with one of my friends to go to San Francisco on July 4th. Boy, was that a trip.
-Got my gym membership again, and started to practice breakdancing again.
-Took a trip down to SoCal with a couple of my friends "just because." It was actually my first time taking a trip with these people, and I haven't been down to SoCal since I was 10, not only that I don't take many trips. So that was a trip in itself, and I had a blast.
-Worked Halloween Haunt again this year, at first I was regretting working again because I could be doing other things, but turned out I met plenty of new people, caught up with old, and had a lot of fun this year. I remembered fucking around at work more than actually scaring people. Like I would start dancing and doing the worm in front of people instead of being scary, gave out candy, snuck into other mazes while in costume, etc.
-I also attended the Monster Ball at the end of the whole event, and that was the best monster ball as well. Had plenty of fun dancing and whatnot, and I needed a dance after a long break. Honestly I felt like I had the best haunt this year than any other year.
-Threw my birthday party at one of my friend's house, and I had a blast. Bringing in random people I usually don't talk to much but still friends nevertheless and partying was fun.
-Made a lot of new friends, connected to new people, also lost some friends, but that's the circle of life.

I can't wait to see what 2015 has for me. For the time being, I'm not making any plans, goals, or expectations. I'm just going to let life ride out as it is and see where it takes me.

Sunday, December 28, 2014

Never work so much that you forget to live

It's been forever since I've updated this page, and I really need to follow this saying. I've been so busy lately that in my days off I barely have time to relax as well, as I am doing chores or personal errands and whatnot. It's funny, because I usually have a habit of always finding time to relax or "hang out."
Well maybe on a schedule.